Town Resources in Maynard
Maynard's local newspaper ceased publication in May of 2022. I started posting news stories on this web site in April 2023.
• See the News Page for the latest news stories.
• See the News Index page for a list of stories I've published so far.
• See the Opinion page for articles featuring my perspectives, opinions, and research on some issues of a more timeless nature.
• See the News Page for the latest news stories.
• See the News Index page for a list of stories I've published so far.
• See the Opinion page for articles featuring my perspectives, opinions, and research on some issues of a more timeless nature.
• Maynard has a Town Government Web Site, with plenty of useful information and updates.
• Maynard also has a separate web site, Discover Maynard, sponsored in part by the Massachusetts Cultural Council. It lists events, some local businesses, and provides some other information about the town.
• Maynard also has a separate web site, Discover Maynard, sponsored in part by the Massachusetts Cultural Council. It lists events, some local businesses, and provides some other information about the town.
=== Community Organizations List ===
I am now developing a comprehensive list of organizations and community groups in Maynard. The latest version of this list is available as a PDF document, which you can download, using the link below:

community_list_2024_01_08.pdf |
1. This list only includes (for now):
• name of organization
• town in which it's located (as some organizations that serve Maynard are not located within the town)
• the organization's category
• its web site and its social media page, if available.
Once you download the file, you can search it for any key words to find any group in which you're interested.
2. The groups are sorted alphabetically by the name of the organization; however names starting with "The" and "Maynard" are not sorted by those words. For example: "Maynard Business Alliance" is listed with other organizations starting with the letter "B" (in this case, for "Business"), and not "M" for "Maynard," to prevent "clumping" many organizations in the "M" section.
3. I have a lot more data collected for many of the organizations and groups listed, such as address, e-mail, phone, names of officers, etc., but I have not yet determined how to format it for reasonable access and easy viewing. After all, the PDF is already 8 pages long. I also have to make sure that only information that's deemed ok for publishing is included. For example, I have some phone numbers that I use to confirm details with the organizers, but they may not want those numbers published.
4. Please help me in this effort. There are at least two ways at the moment:
- Provide corrections, amendments, or additions if you have reliable information. Please use the Information Submission Form below. There are some directions for filling in the form, below the end of the form on this page. Just scroll down.
- Work with me to enhance the list to include information I already have and yet still keep it easy to read and use. Please use the "Contact Us" page on this site to get in touch with me on this.
This is a work in progress, so please be patient and understand that I have to fix and update things a little at a time.
1. This list only includes (for now):
• name of organization
• town in which it's located (as some organizations that serve Maynard are not located within the town)
• the organization's category
• its web site and its social media page, if available.
Once you download the file, you can search it for any key words to find any group in which you're interested.
2. The groups are sorted alphabetically by the name of the organization; however names starting with "The" and "Maynard" are not sorted by those words. For example: "Maynard Business Alliance" is listed with other organizations starting with the letter "B" (in this case, for "Business"), and not "M" for "Maynard," to prevent "clumping" many organizations in the "M" section.
3. I have a lot more data collected for many of the organizations and groups listed, such as address, e-mail, phone, names of officers, etc., but I have not yet determined how to format it for reasonable access and easy viewing. After all, the PDF is already 8 pages long. I also have to make sure that only information that's deemed ok for publishing is included. For example, I have some phone numbers that I use to confirm details with the organizers, but they may not want those numbers published.
4. Please help me in this effort. There are at least two ways at the moment:
- Provide corrections, amendments, or additions if you have reliable information. Please use the Information Submission Form below. There are some directions for filling in the form, below the end of the form on this page. Just scroll down.
- Work with me to enhance the list to include information I already have and yet still keep it easy to read and use. Please use the "Contact Us" page on this site to get in touch with me on this.
This is a work in progress, so please be patient and understand that I have to fix and update things a little at a time.
Notes for the above form:
1. If you want to update information for a group that's already shown in the list, please enter the group name exactly as it appears in the list. If you want me to change the name of the group in some way, please indicate the desired changes in the "Additional Notes or Info" box at the end of the form.
2. If you are adding a group not already shown in the list, you must enter the group's name and then indicate a category. If the category for an existing group is correct in the list already, there is no need to indicate it again, here.
3. If the group does not have a web site, then just leave that field blank.
4. The "Social Media Presence" field is optional, as some groups do not have a social media page or account. If they do, please give the name of the social media (e.g. Facebook) and the name of the Group exactly as it is found on that media. Alternatively, you can copy and paste the URL of their page after bringing it up in that media.
5. You must provide your full name and e-mail address. I do not take anonymous submissions. I need this in case I cannot understand, interpret, or verify any of the information you've provided. I will not use your name or e-mail for any other purpose.
6. I'm sorry for the stupid captcha thing. Alas, I had to turn that option on because I'm getting an increasing number of junk messages these days.
1. If you want to update information for a group that's already shown in the list, please enter the group name exactly as it appears in the list. If you want me to change the name of the group in some way, please indicate the desired changes in the "Additional Notes or Info" box at the end of the form.
2. If you are adding a group not already shown in the list, you must enter the group's name and then indicate a category. If the category for an existing group is correct in the list already, there is no need to indicate it again, here.
3. If the group does not have a web site, then just leave that field blank.
4. The "Social Media Presence" field is optional, as some groups do not have a social media page or account. If they do, please give the name of the social media (e.g. Facebook) and the name of the Group exactly as it is found on that media. Alternatively, you can copy and paste the URL of their page after bringing it up in that media.
5. You must provide your full name and e-mail address. I do not take anonymous submissions. I need this in case I cannot understand, interpret, or verify any of the information you've provided. I will not use your name or e-mail for any other purpose.
6. I'm sorry for the stupid captcha thing. Alas, I had to turn that option on because I'm getting an increasing number of junk messages these days.
• History: This project was suggested to me by David Mark, Maynard's unofficial historian. Back in March of 2022, he and I were discussing the coming demise of the Beacon Villager weekly newspaper print edition, when he suggested it. The staff in the reference department of the Maynard Public Library helped me by providing an the initial list of about 40 organizations. Since then, I've attended Maynardfest and other events to gather more information to include in the list.
• Effort: Since April 2023, I have devoted much of my available time to reporting for the News feed, so that has delayed me in getting this list published. Collecting data and making sure it is accurate takes many hours of detailed work. This is also not just a one-time effort, as organizations are constantly changing, and the people participating in each one come and go over time.
• Philosophy: The vitality and character of the town of Maynard, as with most cities and towns, depends on many citizens devoting their time, labor, and funds to a great variety of organizations and causes. Towns cannot function just on taxes and voters at the ballot box alone! It takes hundreds, even thousands of individuals, all cooperating, to make Maynard the amazing and special place that it is.
• Effort: Since April 2023, I have devoted much of my available time to reporting for the News feed, so that has delayed me in getting this list published. Collecting data and making sure it is accurate takes many hours of detailed work. This is also not just a one-time effort, as organizations are constantly changing, and the people participating in each one come and go over time.
• Philosophy: The vitality and character of the town of Maynard, as with most cities and towns, depends on many citizens devoting their time, labor, and funds to a great variety of organizations and causes. Towns cannot function just on taxes and voters at the ballot box alone! It takes hundreds, even thousands of individuals, all cooperating, to make Maynard the amazing and special place that it is.
Funding for this Project
Please note: Town Wide Mall does not carry any advertising and is free for anyone to read. Our only support is through donations and occasional grants. Please consider contributing to this effort by clicking the "Donate" button below. If you wish your donation to be earmarked for just this project, please add the words "Community List" when donating.